meta data for this page

Heading at top of each page

Sub Heading

Image with NO formatting. This keeps the image on the left and anything that follows the image will be BELOW the image. Two slashes (\\) at the end of the image line followed by a blank line before any text. Size of the image will likely need to be adjusted, use the number after the “&” in the image line to set the size in pixels. If another image is to be under this text add an extra line by having a blank line followed by two slashes (\\) like this (see page code):

Special formatted boxes as seen on RTM Bar page can be made with:

Important Text HERE will appear in this type of box

Alert Text HERE will appear in this type of box

Tip Text HERE will appear in this type of box

Help Text HERE will appear in this type of box

ToDo Text HERE will appear in this type of box

Download Text HERE will appear in this type of box

Info Text HERE will appear in this type of box

This can also be done with text like this: Important Text Alert Text Tip Text Help Text ToDo Text Download Text Info Text

Links to other pages, like the previous/Next links can be done after all data is input, incase we decide to modify the reading order of the manual. If you notice in the manual text that it is telling the reader to see other info in the manual add this text: <reference>

We can search for this tag after everything is completed and add in all page references at that point.

The Sidebar page will be modified later to reduce the number of items shown (or to hopefully be able to collapse groups of items - Haven't figured that out yet). For now, the sidebar page has a 3rd or so of the items in the table of contents word document. It is a quick reference to track what pages we have/need. You can continue to add items to the sidebar as you need. We do have a standard naming convection going for page names that you can see in the sidebar. Keep in mind, when making new pages, that the page name has to be unique.