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Coordinate Section

There are two buttons to help setup the user’s data the same way that it is setup on the machine.
A Setup is the way that a work piece is setup on the machine. A Reference is an extension of that setup that lets the machine to know what orientation it needs to be in on that setup.

Setup Button
Setup Button is used to set the job up the same way that it is setup on the machine table.

On the pull down menu for the setup option, if there is no setup made at this point the only selection will be Create Setup. Selecting Create Setup will open another window with more options.
Once a Setup has been created the user will have the option to edit or delete any Setup with the Edit Setup and Delete Setup options.

These are the other options that will show up in the new window.
Enter a name for the setup under Setup Name.

Table Face
Select the Table Face to let the system know which face of the job is on the machine table. Once the button is selected run the cursor over the work piece and to see faces the user can select from. Select the face that is on the machine table.

Origin Point
This will allow the user to pick a point or insert a point where the X, Y, Z zero’s are to be.
There is also a Center Zmin and Center Zmax, this will find the center of all data on the screen and either put the coordinate system to the maxium or the minium of the data in the Z-axis.
There is also a Filter that allows the user to only choose Surfaces, Elements, or the UV lines of a Surface. It will also allow the user to pick through the surfaces or only pick what is on top.

This allows the user to rotate the job 90 degrees at a time to orientate the job the way it is on the table. For vertical machines it will rotate around the Z-axis, for horizontal machines it will rotate around the Y-axis.

Alt Rot Center - This allows the user to give the system an alternate rotation point, so when programing, it will rotate around that point. Select the Alt Rot Center button and a second menu will come up just like the Origin point selection menu.

Marker Point
Aids in keeping track of the orientation of the job by letting the user put a red ball at any point and if the job gets rotated or translated that marker ball will move with it.

The rest of the window is information about the job and machine.

Reference Button
In the Drill tab the references are made for the user by the circles the system detects. Once a job is tagged the references may change depending on what type of machine is being used, therefore references can not be made or edited under the drill tab.
For more on the Reference Button see Setup and Reference Section.