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Machine Type Section
Name - Will input the machine name that was selected in the Machine Organization section.
General Orientation – This will give two choices, Horizontal or Vertical.
Capabilities – Will ask for the machine type which gives two choices, Manual 3-Axis or Multi-Axis
Postprocessor - Asks which post processor to use with this machine. The post processor will be provided from the RTM support personnel
Virtual Angle Display- Gives a virtual angle in the interface to help the operator understand angles better. For example, if the machine has a B and C rotation axis’s, by using the Virtual Angle Display they can be displayed as A and C.
Virtual Angle Matrix – Will change the display of the coordinate system in the interface to help the operator view the work piece in reference to the machine setup.
Output Path – Where to save the posted files to.
XY Rapid Corridor Distance –The distance the Rapids will wander.
XY Rapid Feed – Default XY rapid move for the specified machine.
Z-Rapid Feed – Default Z rapid move for the specified machine.
XY Max Feed – Default max XY feedrate move for the specified machine.
Z Max Feed - Default max XY feedrate move for the specified machine.
Machine Head - Will ask which head to use with the machine. Selecting the drop-down menu will display all the machine heads that have been put into the system. This will also be covered in the Tool Database Section.
Default Reference Prefix Name – Will ask for a default name for every time a ref is made in the system. This will default to the machine name that has been provided. When a reference is made within the system it will be displayed with the machine name-ref-#
Default Setup Prefix Name – Will ask for a default name every time a setup is made in the system. This will default to the machine name that has been provided. When a setup is made within the system it will be displayed with the machine name-setup-#