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Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar contains shortcuts to any functions that the operator wants to access quickly. This can be done by right clicking on any icon or function throughout the RTM interface and then select “Add to Quick Access Toolbar”. An icon that represents the selected function will be added to the toolbar.

The Quick Access Toolbar pulldown menu will list all the functions that have been added to the toolbar. To hide an icon, just uncheck the icon from the list.

The Show Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon will place the toolbar below the Options Ribbon. Click this again to return it to its original location.

Minimize the Ribbon – this will minimize the Options Ribbon leaving the tabs on the interface. Please see the section on the Options Ribbon for further information.

Hiding a function is done by unchecking the function from the pulldown menu. When a function needs to be removed from the Quick Access Toolbar the user has to right click on the icon and select Remove from Quick Access Toolbar option.

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