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For the Entry/Exit Options there are three option to choose from to help with a more efficient toolpath.
None – this option will not retract to go from one level to the next.

Incremental – this option will have the tool lift before it goes to the next level.
Plunge Dist – is the amount the tool will retract in between level.
Plunge Angle – this value will tell the system what angle to approach each level.

The following was used for the example to the left.
Plunge Dist - .1
Plunge Angle – 0.000

The following was used for the example to the left.
Plunge Dist - .1
Plunge Angle – 75.000

Full Ramp – this option will ramp the tool the full length of each level so the tool does not plunge.

The Default button will have additional options and values that can be changed.
Entry Inc – this value is the distance that the toolpath will rapid to above the start point of the pass before going into feed motion.
Exit Inc – the distance the program stays in feed mode when it lifts from the steel.