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The RTM Button

The RTM Button options can be accessed by clicking on the RTM Button in the top left of the interface.

New – will start a new blank RTM session.
Load – this option will load an existing RTM session.
Merge – Will Merge 2 RTM session or 2 Models together.
Save/Save As – These options are for saving the current RTM Session. Save As will prompt the user for a filename.
Save To – Saves the file to a user specified directory.
Print – will open the print options window.
Import/Export – these options are for importing CAD files and for Exporting out RTM sessions.

System Configuration

At the bottom of the menu panel is the System Configuration button which accesses the system settings. These can be customized to the needs of the company. This is explained in the System Configuration section.<reference>

Quit – this option exits out of the RTM software. If any of the active sessions are not saved, the option to save will be available before closing.

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