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Conversion Tab
The Conversion tab is to set options for when files are translated.
The first three option are used if you are importing a native Catia file.
Force System Units – with this checked the file that is being imported will be in inch even if it was made from a metric file.
True Color – with this checked the part will come in using the same colors it was output with.
Notes as Engrave – with this checked any lettering that is in the file will come in as curves so that they can be turned in to cam curves for engraving.
Iges Flag – these settings are to help to translate IGES files.
Import Format Preferences – here you can set which file conversion type you want to see when importing a file.
Datakit Export Path- This path is to Export the Iges file that Datakit automatically creates during translation.
Here are more settings to help translate IGES files